With the wooden frame for the 150x30cm H0 Valkenveld Industriespoor built and a layer of 3mm thick cork installed on top of it, I started with track laying today. All tracks were cut to the right dimensions and I soldered feeder wires to the rails. Only work to be left is to glue the tracks in place and install the underground switches - apart from ballasting that is..
Overview of my small switching layout with the "Inglenook"-style track plan. The track on the left holds a locomotive plus 3 freight cars. The front track on the right holds 5 cars and the two other tracks 3 cars each. |
The tracks are glued on a layer of 3mm cork. In the yard area the tracks are on same level as the surrounding surface, only for a small section of the in/outbound track I used an N-scale cork bed. This might seem low for H0, but fits perfectly to the light railroad theme in the early 1960s. The "geometric" feel of the cork structure will of course be smoothened out once I start with landscaping the layout. |
Feeder wires are soldered underneath the rails. This ensures they become invisable once the tracks are ballasted. |
Tracks still have to be glued to the cork surface. |
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