Sonntag, 19. April 2020


I positioned the station buildings on the layout to see how everything works together. Ignore the bad, way-to-yellow lighting etc. I am keen to get started with ballasting and the scenery, but I am afraid that first the backdrop and lighting of the layout has priority. I have LED panels that I want to install above the layout and also want to frame it properly so that everything is integrated within the furniture.

The white styrene strip marks the platform position.

Bathed in morning sunlight the VT98 is ready for departure.

My inspiration for the station surroundings and the simple platform comes from Wakendorf-Götzberg on the former EBOE (Elmshorn-Barmstedt-Bad Oldeslohe Eisenbahn) in Schleswig-Hostein. Stately trees shall surround the brickstone buildings, thereby neatly covering the corners.

You might have noticed that the track plan of Elmslohe features a very special situation: the locomotive shed is located at the end of the main track. This was the case on a number of German short lines. The picture shows Neuenkirchen (Niedersachsen) at the Soltau-Neuenkirchen line. Another example is Arneburg in Sachsen-Anhalt. Franz Rittig has described some in his Eisenbahn Journal publication "Lokstationen".

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