I received Roco's 2095.014-3 with sound. What a fantastic model! I cannot wait to test her fully..
The prototype of my new model (here without the computer number yet) in Weitra with a short - wonderful - freight train. Source: wikimedia |
I also made progress on the 30+ year old H0e Diesel. It is far from finished, but the first paint elements are done. I highlighted the front grill, door handles, painted the nice tools on the back side, horn, exhaust, etc. The puffer beams received a thin first layer of Humbrol 60 red. More coats will be done, all will be cleaned up and finally weathered. Especially the front grill and exhaust will get some good weathering as it's of course way too shiny in just aluminium colour.
I found a picture of an Austrian narrow gauge industrial engine of the "Steyrermühl Werkbahn". I drew inspiration from it for the buffer beams and other parts, especially the weathering, but I will not lighten up de green on the H0e model as I like it as it is.
I highlighted the parts that were just dark green on the original model, like the door handles and the neat tools on the back (I really only discovered those now, after some 30+ years). |
I painted the door handles and exhaust. The green is yet untouched but will of course receive weathering, as well as the roof. |
The red buffer beams will receive more layers of paint, however, I must say I like the dark colour shining through. The grill will of course get a good weathering as well. |
Inspiration for the colour scheme and weathering of my little Diesel comes from the "Steyrermühl Werkbahn". Source: sagen
Another shot from the Schoema Diesel. In this view the red is more like the one I envisage for my Roco model. Source: sagen |
A great description with many images of the
Steyrermühl Werkbahn can be found on Drehscheibe Online.