The industrial 760mm narrow gauge Diesel, my old H0e model from a
Roco starter kit, is nearing completion. After the fitting of the new motor and decoder the locomotive entered the paint and weathering shop. The undercarriage and buffer beams were painted in mat red (Humbrol 60). The interior of the cab in light grey (Revell 371). Door handles and similar in aluminium (Tamiya XF-16). Finally the model got a good weathering in washes of different thickness of mat black (Humbrol 33). I then dry brushed some metal (Vallejo 70.873 gun metal) and dirt-brown (Vallejo 70.941 burnt umber) on different places. Finally I placed an engine driver from Faller. Now I am looking for some final details like factory plates.
This is a hard-working small engine, so I weathered her heavily. Inspiration came from the previously mentioned factory line of the "Papierfabrik Steyrermühl" in Austria. Prototype images can be found on Drehscheibe Online.
Lokführer Peter Panner
proudly presents his „Tinker Bell”, a nickname he has given this honest, hard-working
little engine because of her green paint scheme and the special character she
sometimes shows when working the Feldbahn. We cannot find back in the archives
if this was linked to Peter Panner’s viewing of “Peter Pans heitere Abenteuer”,
the original Disney movie which was released in Germany in December 1953. |
Interior of the small Diesel with the new motor and decoder fitted. |
My weathering inspiration. |
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